My Mission

My mission is to guide, teach, heal and support others in how to utilize a beautiful tool known as gratitude. 

It all began on August 3, 2019 when I decided to do a 40-day gratitude challenge. I wrote three things that I experienced during each day where I felt a sense of gratitude. I came up with two things easily but struggled to write a third one. After one week, I felt frustrated and sad that I was struggling to come up with three things that occurred in my day that I could appreciate.

At the end of week two, I managed to come up with 3 things and occasionally a fourth and fifth one would make it into my gratitude journal. I squealed with delight as I write down more than three things. By the third week, I found myself intentionally becoming more productive because I wanted to write things such as "I'm grateful I practiced an hour of yoga today" or "I'm grateful I sort through and cleaned out old items stored in garage" in my journal. Brilliant huh? As I got close to the 40th day, I felt sad because I'm nearing the end of my challenge. I was starting to have fun and built an intimate relationship with gratitude. Therefore, I decided to continue pass 40 days.

It's been over two years since I began a gratitude journal. Writing in my journal has become an activity I look forward to each day. It's my happy place. By now, I can easily write at least 15 things. I noticed when I experienced something unpleasant, I'm able to see the blessing/lesson behind it which brings me to a sense of gratitude. I have become more resilient, appreciative and content.

Gratitude has become a daily practice in my life. I’ve began to incorporate activities that leads to the feeling of gratitude in every class and workshop that I create. For me, this has become my way of living.